Reasons to Celebrate

Those who know me well, will know that I am particularly old fashioned when it comes to correspondence. One can’t deny the speed and efficiency of email, but there is something wonderful about receiving a real, hand-written letter or card in the post.

I have produced a number of greetings cards over the years, and some might say there’s no need for them in this entirely digital age. However, I would disagree, and am pleased to announce the release of a new range of greetings cards featuring designs from the Celebrating the Seasons series.

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Particularly since the significant impact of Covid, I think we all need a bit of cheering up and this series is primarily celebratory, including flowers, food and drink that I feel conjure the flavour of each month in the year. These are intended to be joyous vistas that encourage you to pause and savour a happy moment, and I think would make lovely thank-you cards, birthday cards, or just a bright way of saying ‘hello’ to someone dear but distant.

The cards are now available to buy on my website in packs of 6 - a Spring/Summer collection and an Autumn/Winter collection. Each pack costs £10 plus postage and packaging. All the images are also available to buy as full sized mounted prints.

I do hope that you enjoy these cards and might consider sending one or two! In the meantime, I hope this finds you well, happy, and enjoying the first real signs of spring.